Transform your faith-driven writing from undiscovered to unstoppable.

I’ll empower you with simple marketing frameworks to unlock the potential of your book, blog, or brand.

There’s a hard way to grow your audience, and there’s an easy way.

Frameworks simplify success.

And they’ll help you stand out in a sea of online noise.

As your business growth coach and marketing consultant, I‘lI guide you through proven frameworks. You’ll uncover the simple secrets many authors miss so you can—

  • communicate to connect with your ideal audience

  • boost your visibility, value, and vital engagement with your followers

  • earn the trust of your customers, so they’re eager to repeatedly click, download, and buy

What is a framework?
I’m so glad you asked!

It’s a trusted roadmap to take you from where you are to where you want to be. Think of it as a treasure map that details every critical stop to make in your business journey - and which routes to avoid so you can stay on track to reach your dreams.

Share your book on purpose.

You can stop the endless cycle of hoping the right readers will stumble upon your content.

  • contributing to household finances while helping others at the same time

  • pursuing your calling as a writer and leaving the restrictions of your day-job behind

  • leading a self-sustaining ministry where your expenses don’t have to be covered by your family budget

  • realizing a dream and seeing yourself as a professional writer

  • stepping into your purpose and a sense of fulfillment

  • extending your gifts into a professional setting and generating a measurable income

  • the exhilaration of viewing your blog as a legitimate business

Imagine the joy of:


1:1 or group coaching for the exact support and accountability to propel you forward.

Marketing & Admin Services

Done-for-you services that let you stay focused on the parts of your business you love.

Consulting & Courses

You can grab hold of the frameworks that simplify success and take it from there on your own.

Why spend years stifling your impact with mistakes you can so easily avoid?

Are you struggling to share your faith-based book despite spending countless hours improving your writing? It's time to shift your focus from crafting the perfect post to connecting with your readers on a deeper level.

I know from experience that without effective marketing, your message will miss the readers you’re called to reach. But when you learn to speak to your audience in a way that resonates with them, everything changes.

Since adopting this approach, I've said goodbye to my 9-5 job, doubled my revenue year over year, and can now live a more generous lifestyle.

The tools and frameworks I discovered are so powerful that I became a certified coach to help others avoid the mistakes I made. It's like unlocking a magical process to revolutionize your communication with your audience.

Craft a clear, compelling message that speaks directly to your readers, and watch as they become loyal customers eager to support your business.

Endorsed by Donald Miller
& JJ Peterson

Renowned storytellers Donald Miller and JJ Peterson of StoryBrand have given their enthusiastic endorsements.
See their testament to Cathy’s expertise and results.

StoryBrand Certified Guide since 2019

StoryBrand Certified Guide since 2019

Business Made Simple Inaugural Class, 2020

Business Made Simple Inaugural Class, 2020

Hope*Writers Certified Coach since 2021

Hope*Writers Certified Coach since 2021

Yes! Faith-based writers can inspire and encourage others AND build a profitable business!

I understand the tension that arises when your brand is founded on faith. You love helping others so much you’d do it for free. But your time and expertise are valuable.

Ancient wisdom teaches that workers are worthy of their wages (Luke 10:7).

I’m a business growth coach and marketing consultant with proven frameworks to help launch, grow, and scale your brand.

I’ve helped clients worldwide grow their businesses and become more profitable. I’d love to help you too.

Most writers don’t know where to focus when building a brand.

You will gain a loyal audience and generate steady, predictable sales by focusing on the right activities. I’ll share proven frameworks to accelerate the growth of your brand—beyond your wildest imagination.

  • Create captivating, don’t-miss blog content without ever staring at a blank screen again

  • Promote your products and services without betraying your mission

  • Strategize and slay your social media activity to take your audience engagement through the roof

  • Create business success from your blog, so you never have to worry about money

  • Share a life-changing message of hope and encouragement with the people who need to hear it


1:1 coaching
Done-for-you services
Self-paced courses
Find the exact support and accountability to propel you forward.


Choose the service and learning platform that’s best for you and thrive doing work you love.


You can grab hold of the frameworks that simplify success and take it from there on your own.

Why keep struggling to build a profitable business on your own?

I’ve assembled a team of experts. We’re here to help you take your book, podcast, and business from undiscovered to unstoppable.

Cathy McIntosh

StoryBrand Certified Guide
Hope*Writers Certified Coach
Founder & CEO

Jess Dodero

Brand Design
Administrative Support Provider
Agency Partner

Belinda Shipp

StoryBrand Certified Guide
International Liaison
Strategic Partner